When you want a healthy mouthful of protein filled with flavour, look for our chicken tikka marinade.
1. Prepare and clean 1kg of Raw chicken
2. Follow the guidelines on our tub and take out 100ml of our marinade into a bowl.
3. You can splash some virgin olive oil and a spoon of yoghurt into the marinade to create a creamy consistency to smother over your raw chicken.
4. Simply mix it up and leave for a couple of hours. Infuses deeply over 24 hours but can be ready in as little as 5 minutes after mixing.
5. Set your oven to 220 degrees and let that chicken simmer in the oven or grill or on a bbq till its white inside.
1. Brown up some onions in a stainless steel pan with some virgin olive oil
2. Add our marinade to the pan depending on how much chicken you are preparing
3. Warm the marinade and onions till its near bubbling and add in your chicken
4. Let it cook and simmer until the chicken is ready to eat.